Faith's brother Blake graduated from UIC, which was our reason for the Getaway.
He is on his way to achieving some big things in life, which is why we thought the money bag cake was appropriate. Watch out for this guy!
Way to go Blake!!!
Faith's and My first adventure when arriving to Chicago was visiting lots of Cake and Cupcake Shops. First stop...Cake Girls, as seen on Food Network and WE's
Amazing Wedding Cakes show
They had interesting menu choices like Hibiscus flavored cupcakes and Chocolate Covered Bacon. I have never seen that before
I will say I did like their bright colors and Cupcake shaped tables. That was fun, and their cupcakes were only $3.25 each, which isn't bad for an all organic bakery.
Next we visited a place called Molly's Cupcakes.
Molly's was founded by a guy named Johnny, whose third grade teacher was named Molly. Molly used to bake her students cupcakes anytime they had a birthday and was nice enough to pass down her recipe to Johnny.
Supposedly they are the "best cupcakes ever" and much of their profits are donated to schools in the community.
Were they the best cupcakes ever?
They weren't bad, definitely some of my favorites of the day.
We tried the Blueberry Cupcake with Rasberry filling and their Rich Chocolate Cupcake with Peanut Butter filling and Butterscotch chips .
The blueberry cake was excellent, I wasn't crazy about their buttercream--it tasted a little like grocery store buttercream--and the cupcakes cost $4!!! That is more expensive than NYC.
But the cupcakes and filling was really good.
Fourth Stop was Swirlz Cupcakes.
This place was probably my favorite - it is a lot like Sprinkles in CA. For only $3.50 you get a really beautiful and delicious cupcake in lots of creative flavors. They even have Vegan options.
At Swirlz, we tried the Vanilla Cupcake with Vanilla Buttercream (Sweet, Buttery, and Moist...SO GOOD),
The Banana Cupcake, which was laced with real Nutella, topped with Nutella Buttercream and a dried banana chip (this was probably MY FAVORITE!)
and last we tried one of their Gluten free Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate covered Strawberry Buttercream on top.
At this point, we were all sugared out, we didn't even try anything. But the cafe is super eclectic and really nice. If you're ever in the area, definitely check it out!
So after our Chicago Cake Adventure, we focused on some less sweet, touristy things--being this was my first time in Chi-Town.
Me in front of the Trump tower
This picture was taken for my dad and brother Neil, who have always been big Cubs fans. Neil was a bit bummed I made it to Wrigley Field before him, but I didn't get to go inside, so I guess I'm not that cool, Neil!
And of course...DEEP DISH PIZZA.
You can't go to Chicago without eating this. Faith's dad took us to a place called Gino's East.
We had a fabulous weekend! Thanks to Faith's amazing family for treating me and showing me Chicago :)
WOW!!! You gurlz must've had SUGAR-OVERLOAD!!! whoa...I wouldn't have survived!
Didn't you think that "Swirlz Cupcakes" logo looked a bit like YOUR new logo!!!
Russ and I went to the windy city about three yrs ago...and we saw the silver bean too -- we ate at the cute/yummy restaurant right under....
Glad you two had fun!!
CAN NOT believe you transported a cake!! ONLY you're amazing!!!
Love you gurlz!
Totally jealous! I grew up in Chicago and I miss it so much. I'm making plan to go back this summer. Gino's East is the best guilty pleasure. Just looking at the sugar gave me a rush! My uncle is the head coach of the UIC basketball team! Congrats to the gradutate!
It sounds like you girls fit in a lot of activities during your time in the windy city! I love the money bag cake, too funny and definitely more than appropriate for the occasion.
Great post/pics.
unique wedding cakes
Thanks for your comments! Chicago was a blast
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