Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pink Polka-Dot Puppy

This story is too amazing not to share...
Upon occasion, we will go out on what we call "TREASURE HUNTS".
It isn't your typical treasure hunt, but much more exciting!
The whole idea behind these Treasure Hunts is that we are actually "Hunting" God's Treasures.
What are His treasure??? PEOPLE! You are! I am!

So we have a treasure map with categories like, Names, locations, description of clothing, specific ailments, and random words. We say a quick prayer asking God to give us clues, then we start filling out our treasure map, writing down the first thing that comes to our minds.

It looks something like this: (Sue, coffee shop, purple sweater, back pain, etc.)

Next, we hit the streets and start looking for any of the clues on our map. Once, for example, I had "cane" on my map along with "baggy denim jeans" and "back pain". I spotted 2 men walking and one of them had a cane along with baggy denim jeans. So I along with my two teammates went after them, explained what we were doing and asked the man with a cane if he had back pain by any chance.
He said, "Yes, actually, I have a spinal cord problem. I need surgery."
We asked him if we could pray for his back, he was so desperate the guy dropped his cane, leaned against the nearest building pressing his hands against the brick.

We laid our hands on his back and prayed for his healing. The guy was totally touched and changed! The man who was with him, we were also able to tell him God loved him, and he just opened up telling us he was having marriage problems. So right there we prayed for him as well. It was amazing!!! Right in the East Village!

Well the same night, we took Sydney treasure hunting with us. Faith was helping her at first to fill out the treasure map. Faith prayed with her, then asked Sydney what she saw. Sydney immediately said, "A dog with Pink Polka-Dots!!!" Faith laughed and hesitated to write that, but did anyway.
They filled out a few more clues and went out to treasure hunt.

Oh yes, A DOG WITH PINK POLKA DOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not just a sweater or a polka-dotted collar, but actual painted on PINK POLKA-DOTS!
Faith and Sydney approached the couple walking the dog. It turns out the woman was a believer and had been praying for her husband. Faith and Sydney explained that God brought them to pray for him today and it really showed the man that God is REAL!!!

If you've never been treasure hunting, I recommend it!!! It is fun to see God move.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dancing in SweetLand

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,
To the end that [my] glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok normally I would not post pictures of myself as silly as these, but tonight I lay all pride aside. Something happened here in SweetLand tonight, I can't keep it to myself!
It all started with a package that came in the mail today - "Momma D" made us tu-tus.

Faith wore her pink one to New Jersey and was gone all day while Dallas and I worked in the studio. Well tonight, God just showed up. Dallas couldn't stop laughing, she was getting more FREE and so was I. We were singing and laughing, there were angels everywhere and we were dancing with them! Believe me or not, maybe you think I'm crazy but I wouldn't make this up!!! I still see and feel them everywhere. Wow I am changed forever.

Do you know that life in Christ Jesus makes you FREE!!! (Romans 8:2)

Galations 5:1 says to "Stand fast therefore in the LIBERTY by which Christ has made us free! Do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage." Stand fast in the freedom He died to give you. When you truly grasp what Jesus did for you--when you know this truth--it will MAKE YOU FREE! (John 8:32).

God wants you free. Why did I post pictures of me dancing in a tutu? Why did I tell you I was dancing with angels in the presence of God? Because I'm FREE. When you taste this freedom, when you taste how sweet, you quit caring who knows it! I've been on the other side - I know what it feels like to be in chains. Depression, sickness, defeat, lack, vicious cycles of sin and emotional issues - I've tasted all that - I've lived in it. But then i grasped and received what Jesus did for me.....and it set me free!!!!!! Now that stuff has no power over me - I live ABOVE it all - and He just keeps taking me deeper in Him as I'm getting more and more free!

Free to dance, free to sing, free to laugh, free from what people think! I am in love and am truly living in Heaven RIGHT HERE on Earth. Hallelujah.

I hope you have an amazing day today - Let Jesus set YOU free. He's already paid for your freedom. All you have to do is ask Him to help you RECEIVE it. HE LOVES YOU! and wants you living in HEAVEN, not when you die, but RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

A typical week in SweetLand

"Commit your work to the LORD...then your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3

Our TO-DO list last week:

WED - Faith bake like 100 pounds of Champagne and Chocolate cake

THURS - Faith make 6 pounds of buttercream

FRI - Football Grooms Cake DUE

SATURDAY - Wedding Cake DUE

Faith and i packed up the car and headed to Philly with the cake perfectly packaged in 3 separate tiers. We assembled when we arrived.

The wedding was a success :)

SUNDAY - rest...well sort of

MONDAY - Mermaid cake DUE

Also MONDAY - Private Class with Kelly - "Shoebox cake and Gumpaste Shoes"

TUESDAY - Birthday Card Cake DUE

Ok this story I HAVE to tell...Colin called last week to order this cake for his girlfriend. He said he had been joking with her that if he didn't get his tax return in time for her birthday, all she'd get was a handmade birthday card. So he thought it would be funny to get her a Cake that looks like a Handmade birthday card that he and all his friends could sign in icing.

Way to go Colin! What a lucky gal she is

Also, Check out our latest You Tube Video!!!!
Panda Bear Cake Decorating with Cara Linn & Friends