Faith and I have done a lot of things, but the last few weeks, we spent our time doing something we've never done before! We had the rare and interesting experience of working on set of an independent film. Our friend Emily was the production coordinator and referred us to do the catering. We worked really hard, traveled all over - Conneticut, Pennsylvania, and Poughkeepsie, NY - met lots of great new people, and overall had a fabulous time. (They even used us as extras in a couple scenes - notice we are wearing scrubs!)
Cara & Faith driving the crafty van/ Cara with Lexi (the lead actress)/ Faith making Nutella-Banana sandwiches
Faith & Cara as nurse EXTRAS!/ Us with Carly and Emily/ Faith, Kent, Cara, and EmilyThe movie, if you're wondering, is called "Listen to Your Heart." It is a tragic love story that comes out next year. Visit to learn more about the film. Danny (Kent Moran) is a struggling musician who falls in love with Ariana, who is deaf. (Her mother is Sybil Shepard in the movie). Ariana is never able to hear the music she inspires him to write. I won't tell you how it ends, but be sure and watch out for this film next year. They are hoping it will hit the big screen.

Once all the work was done, everyone celebrated at the wrap party. I think it was bittersweet for most people...glad it's over, but a little sad at the same time.
Would we take on a job like this again? IN A HEARTBEAT.