A client ordered this cake for his wife's birthday. All he said was, "She's an artist, fashion designer, painter, and seamstress. Come up with something!"
As I set out to start on a cake, I had a sketch drawn and somewhat of a vision in my head, but nothing too specific.
I usually have it planned out in detail for the most part, but this cake was different. I just couldn't quite grab hold of the inspiration I knew it needed. A dress-form manican with a piece of fondant fabric across the chest is what I had in mind...but it needed something more.
Despite my blurry vision, I started. (Sometimes as I get going, the inspiration just develops naturally. I was believing for the best :)
I filled my cake layers, sculpted the dress form shape, then covered it with fondant.
Now what? Hmmm....

I began flipping through fashion magazines trying to get inspired. I began to envision the cake with a raw piece of fondant fabric roughly pinned up, maybe in a flowery fall print. (Ooh yeah! I was going somewhere.) But what type of fabric? I kept flipping pages, hoping to find a print or color pattern I could fall in love with. Nothing.
My vision? Still blurry.
I opened my bucket with leftover fondant colors from past cakes. I found a ball of purple that caught my eye so, "Why not?" I said to myself. I pinned it up to get a preview. Yeah, I liked it.

I rolled it out, then found some white lace in my inspiration box. I impressed the lace into the fondant...

then sponge painted it with black dye.

I came up with this technique in hopes of creating a lace look, but it actually looked more like snake skin. (Even better!)

I finished by dusting it with burgandy luster, then my fondant "fabric" just sort of formed itself around the cake manican.

I added the tape measure and the pin cushions to give it an alive "project in progress" look and voila!

Upon completion, I stood back to admire the masterpiece. I was pleased with the finished product, (even a bit surprised to be honest.) "Did I do that?!"
Before starting this cake, I asked God to anoint my hands; to let His creativity flow through my mind. It's funny what He will do!
I didn't have to plan it out perfectly or force inspiration; it just flowed naturally and turned out beautiful.
This was a good life lesson for me.
Sometimes we think we have to know it all in the beginning before we take a leap of faith, but sometimes the vision just needs to develop naturally. Take a step of faith and start with what you have - the inspiration will follow. And chances are, the end result will be more beautiful than you could have planned!
Put your hope and trust in "God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within you, to accomplish infinitely more than you might ask or think." ( Ephesians 3:20)
Until next time...HAPPY THANKSGIVING, enjoy the cake, and check out Faith's blog to see her latest creation ;)