Friday, September 26, 2008

Amarillo Cake Classes!

After Dallas, the fun wasn't over just yet. When I got back to Amarillo on Sunday, I had to stay in "Cake Mode". Monday I had 3 Cake Decorating Classes scheduled! We had 2 adult classes and 1 Kids Class and they were LOTS OF FUN! Thank you everybody for coming. Cara Linn Cakes will definitely be back in AMARILLO TEXAS for more cake class fun!


If interested in one of our cake classes, visit our website at: to see what's coming up.
If interested in having Cara Linn Cakes come to a city near you, email us! We just might consider it.

Cake Trip to TEXAS

I just made it back to NYC late last night. My
brother Neil and I drove all the way from Amarillo, Texas to Brooklyn, NY. Our 2-day road trip across the country was quite an experience, but memorable nonetheless! He is now a "Northerer" (well at least for the next 2 years) and will be attending Rutgers University in October. I am so glad he's here...WELCOME NEIL!!!

It felt great to be back in my home state the past 12 days, and OH was it ever an adventure! Visiting family was by far the "sweetest" part, but you know I don't go anywhere without somehow involving CAKE.
My stay in Amarillo started with the HUGE task of making 350 mini cakes for my cousin Lauren's wedding in Dallas. I baked the cakes in New York, Faith cut 400 P's out of fondant, and we packed it all neatly in boxes. Like a crazy person, I carried it all on the plane and thank God, everything arrived safely. When I got in, I spent the night visiting with fam, and got to work right away the following morning. I worked for 5 days straight, then drove 6 hours to deliver them and attend the wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and the cakes were a success!

The whole family was involved at some point - I owe them so much credit! My Mom worked around the clock with me doing anything I asked, my sisters Aubrey & Emily helped fold packages, my Dad and step-mom, Luain drove them to Dallas, my step-dad Tommy created the labels and he even rolled out fondant! I couldn't have accomplished any of this without their help and support. THANK YOU!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!

Mott Street Sweets

MODO eyewear has a new store on Mott St.
Rebecca Giefer, the director of Ops, is our fabulous friend whom we adore! She occasionally orders Sweet Treats for her Thursday night "Meet-n-Greet". Thank you MODO (and Becca!) for your business and friendship!!!!

(below) Cheesecake Lollipops/Sweet Scoops
(on left) Cake Babies/Cupcakes

BOHO Magazine

If you haven't purchased a subscription yet, you should!
Fashion's first "GREEN" magazine has arrived and we made this small cake to congratulate our friend Gina, the editor-in-chief.